Hello readers, visitors and strangers.
It's so boring today. I woke up very early and suddenly I got an SMS from a classmate informing that there's no class today, the lecturer has gone out for a seminar. I got nothing to do now and I don't really have ideas to update this lovely blog of mine.
2 more days to go before I go and watch Alice in Wonderland. Hopefully I'm not busy when the day comes. Some friends will tag along, all are females. I guess you can expect the reason of us choosing to watch the movie. Because we love Anne Hathaway, ya right...
As usual, gonna read my favourite online newspaper before doing any jobs. Catch you later! Have a happy day, so be happy always.

2 people love me to “Morning Update”
March 10, 2010 at 10:04 AMcammy - ms.independant
morning babe! :)
March 9, 2010 at 1:17 PM
Morning dear!