Have just come back from college.
So tired today.
Had lunch alone at college cafe.
How are you guys today? Better? Good? Great?
I'm still happy and I hope I can retain this happiness.
I wanna catch a movie with Mummy tonight.
She said she got a surprise for me.
Very curious now. =p
I've cashed out my Nuffnang money.
Don't know when can I get the cheque.
I told Mummy already about this blog, and as expected, she didn't like it.
I asked her to read and value my contents.
She seemed okay I guess as I didn't talk much about myself and my family.
I know I've been writing about me and Mummy, but I never gave any clue or hint that can make people know who I am.
Mummy said she's okay with this blog, but no self pictures should be shown.
Got it Mummy!
There's a story beyond her rules.
I'll narrate it down when the time comes.
Happy Wednesday everyone.
Take a very good care of yourself.
Value what and who you have. :)

4 people love me to “Wednesday Update”
Zean Wednesday
February 7, 2010 at 9:19 PMHay Good to visit this Blog....^^
February 18, 2010 at 12:20 PMcammy - zulhilmi
February 18, 2010 at 12:21 PMcammy - zacky
thanks for ur visit.
do come again. :)
February 5, 2010 at 11:02 AM
friay update...