Good morning readers!

I've just finished my morning class, am gonna grab a lunch with few girlfriends at 12.30. A good news for me which I got just now. I checked my Nuffnang account and saw something at the earnings part. I got my second buffered!

I know it may sound lame and unimportant to some of you especially if you have got buffered so many times before. This makes me happy nonetheless. Two buffered earnings in three days are an achievement for me. Thanks a lot Nuffnang and Maxis!

Will update more, got no time now. Take care and be happy always!


date Thursday, February 25, 2010

2 people love me to “Second Buffered”

  1. fara
    February 25, 2010 at 2:32 PM

    wow! congrats!
    nuff i dh lame tak bangun pon!


  1. Cammy
    February 26, 2010 at 4:59 PM

    cammy - ms.Independant
    thanks babe!
    perhaps u need to update regularly.