I now have a favicon for my blog.
Thanks to Izzah Farhana for her tutorial which I found on her blog.
Still looking for many icons to select, have tried two at the moment.
My activity today? Stay at home while enjoying my online life. =p
Plan to go out but just too lazy.
Need to buy some stuffs, haven't gone out for more than a week.
Got something to tell, but in the next entry.
My views on Malays. I'm not generalising, I'll write based on what I saw.
And I really hope I'll be able to write about this in Bahasa Malaysia.
See you! :)

2 people love me to “Wednesday Update”
January 16, 2010 at 1:52 PMcammy - dak wan
because it's RED. =p
January 16, 2010 at 4:44 AM
Nice favicon, why u choose it eh?